Heydar Dzhemal, from the collection “The Secret of the word of Heydar Dzhemal”, 2019

Jamal Legacy
2 min read1 day ago


The “renovation” of Islam is a miserable and senseless idea. Just as it is pointless to make claims to the Islamic civilization that, say, Bell and Edison invented a telephone and an electric light bulb within the framework of the Western civilization matrix, but Muslims, they say, did not invent anything like that — but they use it!
Now such voices are being heard from the side of the “party” as if patriots of Islam, dissatisfied with its “civilizational lag” from the West. This wave came from former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir, who addressed global criticism to Muslims: they have few Nobel laureates, and universities are not as advanced as Harvard or Eton, and technologies are not invented in Islamic countries…
This means that both Mahathira, and those who imitate him today, have their brains turned in a completely different direction! Islam has already created material and technological abundance, a flourishing space in which people, ideas and goods freely circulated in accordance with liberal ideals. It was the Abbasid Caliphate — the only superpower that had no real competitors in the entire known history. The Mongols destroyed this caliphate in a few years…
The goal of Islam is not to invent light bulbs and bicycles. Billions of lost people are trapped in a system that is constantly developing new and new technologies, for whom the problem of meaning has become so entropic that they already consider it marginal to even raise the question of meaning itself.
The Islamic consciousness is constantly working on generating meaning as a kind of supermotiv, a super-motivator of human existence. The West today has an atomic bomb, but there is no Plato. Someone will say that Farabi or Avicenna is also missing in modern Islam. Yes, but the whole of Islam as a whole is a colossal collective work in the reference field, which includes, in particular, Plato and Farabi.
The Islamic consciousness is on the verge of a colossal spiritual explosion, the birth of a “supernova”. This will be a return to the true meaning of the Quranic Revelation after fourteen centuries of “Moses’(pbuh) journey” in the human desert. In comparison, the technological achievements of the West look like the tricks of a well-trained monkey.

Heydar Dzhemal, from the collection “The Secret of the word of Heydar Dzhemal”, 2019



Jamal Legacy

This page is dedicated to the legacy of Russian Islamic thinker GeydarDzehmal (Heydar Jamal).