Quote: The system kills the meaning of time. G. Dzhemal

Jamal Legacy
2 min readSep 28, 2024


The political technology centers of the intelligence services manipulate any group of us as they want, throwing out “disinformation”, nominating charismatic leaders, using channels such as al-Arabiya and al-Jazeera for their own purposes, pitting the Ikhwans against Salafists, Shiites against Sunnis. It’s like they’re tracking all of us on a big computer screen, and we’re completely transparent to them. In contrast, we don’t even have the science of kufrology. Muslims have not raised the question that they need to study kufr (“disbelief) as an opponent. There is no such science. The West had Sovietology, there is Islamic studies, but Islam has neither Western studies nor kufrology. How can you even raise the question of victory with this? When a Muslim is asked what kufr and Western society are, he says some very banal things, that they are Jahils [“ignoramuses”]. But what are they jahils in? They bring a spoon to their mouth, they get into the door, so they know something. And what do they know? If they clothe the truth with lies, then how do they do it? This is where the impasse begins. Jahils and that’s it.

We have no teaching about kafirs, mushriks, munafiks [“infidels”, “pagans”, “hypocrites”]. There is no teaching about what society is, although there are all prerequisites for such a doctrine in the Quran. But it is necessary to decipher them in all the richness of methodological thought. Decipher it not in the sense of looking at what, say, Ibn Taymiyyah, who was just a son of his time, thought about this topic, while Islam was given to us so that we perceive it as if the Prophet came directly to us. Fourteen centuries of Islamic culture should not replace the Quran for us. And for many people, their knowledge gathered bit by bit in al-Azhar precisely replaces it and they no longer want to perceive it in purity, as many Russian people do, who read the Quran for the first time and, as if struck by lightning, convert to Islam. When the Prophet came to the Arabs, they did not have fourteen centuries of culture, they had neither Ibn Taymiyyah, nor Suyuti, nor Bukhari, nor a huge number of theological books. When they first heard the verses of the Quran, they combined it with their cultural background and with their hearts. They just heard and understood: this is the truth. And today we must also learn to perceive the Quran in such pristine purity. And then we will see that this Quran contains tremendous information about society, kufr and our victory.

2006. Geydar Dzhemal



Jamal Legacy

This page is dedicated to the legacy of Russian Islamic thinker GeydarDzehmal (Heydar Jamal).