On the threshold of the Third World War. Geydar Dzhemal.

Jamal Legacy
6 min readSep 19, 2024


In the name of Allah The Gracious The Merciful.

World War III is the third move in the Great Three Movements, which began in 1914, exactly 100 years ago. This war, then organized by monarchs who were relatives, was expected to be a brief blitzkrieg lasting only a few months. They aimed to mobilize nations, immerse them in bloodshed, and subsequently blame the political parties, the social democrats, the parliaments, and simply defeat the liberal establishment that had already developed by that time, and establish a world government, an alliance of monarchs that would enjoy the results that would have been achieved in this short-term, no more than three or four months war. That is, nations would have been mobilized, the economy would have moved into a new phase, the military regime and new technologies would have been launched. And in doing so, unions, parties, parliaments would be blamed for the bloodshed. The bankers are either swept away or put under the strict control of Their Majesties’ administration, Their Majesties’ office, and Their Majesties would form this very world government. The providential situation was out of monarchical control because the liberals wouldn’t let the war end so quickly. The war had entered a phase in which any attempt to end it with peace, even from the very top, was perceived as treason against the Motherland. Suffice it to recall how the Russian Tsarina was suspected of being a German spy. Any thought of peace was seen as collusion with the enemy. And four years later, the monarchist establishment received a terrible blow. Out of this First World War, which was still just called the great imperialist war because they didn’t know it was the first, soviet power, international socialism emerged and after a while national socialism of the Third Reich, a little later, of course, was fascist Italy, but it’s a by-product, so to speak.

So what happened in World War II? Fundamentally, Europe lost, the monarchical establishment lost and the Islamic project lost. Islam lost, which participated in World War I represented by the Ottoman Caliphate, which in 1922 ceased to exist, and the attempt to restore the Caliphate, which was counted on by powerful Islamic forces that supported the Reich against Britain, it failed. That is, Soviet international socialism, which took over all of Eastern Europe, won. And the Anglo-Saxons won, taking over virtually the rest of the world, after which they immediately divided the world in a bipolar system started the Cold War. The losers were Europe, which found itself defeated and subjugated by the United States and the Soviet Union. The loser turned out to be political Islam, which was relegated to the periphery because on the whole territory of Islamic world national socialist, Arab and non-Arab, regimes came. Secularist regimes came led by authoritarian, autocratic rulers like Nasser, Gaddafi, General Qassem, later Saddam Hussein, Hafez al-Assad, the military republican regime in Turkey, in Pakistan, the military or semi military regime that quickly replaced the first leader of Pakistan. That is, in short, the Islamic world has been brought completely under the control of secular liberalism. Muslims have been turned in their own countries, practicing faithful Muslims, into second-class citizens. Political Muslims were persecuted and imprisoned. For example, Nasser, who persecuted the Muslim Brotherhood, without whom he would hardly have come to power. Or Saddam Hussein, who declared the goal of the Baath Party’s Baathist project to build a religion-free society and so on.

And now we stand on the threshold of World War III, which will start, apparently, with Syria. But even if not in Syria, it will still start very soon. And Kissinger, in his candid interview in 2011, talks about America beating everybody. That it will end with the extinction of 2–3 billion people. New weapons will be used, everyone will be pushed hard into a corner very. And finally the absolute, total, undivided domination of the United States will be established, without any liberalism, in the normal imperial version. It seems to me that the case will be somewhat different. Kissinger has an opponent in the United States, almost his age, a little younger, who sees the situation differently. It’s Brzezinski. Kissinger is 90 years old and Brzezinski is 85. And Brzezinski does not envision the situation as a triumph of American imperial Nazism. Brzezinski believes in the triumphant prospect of a greater Europe. In general, he is considered an agent of Europe in the American establishment. It seems to me that Brzezinski is more right than Kissinger. I think these three moves(three world wars) that on the third move destroy the forces that won on the second move. That is, the United States will disappear, the United States will be defeated. It is not that they will disappear like smoke, no, the territory will not go anywhere, but, most likely, they will be marginalized or a few weak, peripheral, unimportant entities will emerge in their place.

That is, the United States will fade into the historical periphery just as Europe faded into the periphery after World War II. But Europe will rise and rise very powerfully. The winner will be Europe. It lost in the second war, but it will win in the third. It will be a new Europe, a fascist-traditionalist Europe, a Europe of the New World Order. It will be Europe, again a monarchical Europe, based on a hierarchical class society. It will be a coalition of the sovereigns of the Golden Dawn. Or, to set the record straight, this coalition of Golden Dawn sovereigns will be nothing more than a committee to meet the Antichrist. It will be one pole. The second pole, the winner in the third war will be political Islam, which will oppose this committee to meet the Antichrist. It will be an alternative, opposite to this Golden Dawn Sovereign coalition, an alternative world government of political Islam. The ideology and theology of this political Islam is still completely unknown to modern Muslims. Modern Muslims they have yet to envision the ideological configuration, the political-ideological and theological configuration that will make political Islam as an alternative world government possible. It will not be a caliphate unless one understands caliphate as a paraphrase of world government, or if it is a caliphate, it will be a collective and cross-border caliphate. It is a caliphate that will not be tied to any particular territory, culture or civilization. It will be a cross-border, cross-national presence of political Islam, which will fight the committee to meet the Antichrist, to resist it everywhere by different methods, at different levels.

That is, it will be the main and organizing anti-system force, because the system is the Antichrist. And we can already say that the defeat to which the Middle East is being subjected is providential, just as the Mongol invasion and the defeat of the Abbasid Caliphate was providential in their time. Because the future political Islam is emancipated from being tied to a certain territory. It gets out of the ghetto that is called Watan al-Islami, it gets out of the ghetto, the traditional civilizational territory of the spread of Islam. Political Islam will also belong to Latin America as well as southeast Asia. Or, in other words, it will simply be a project in the hearts and souls of people regardless of color, nationality, language or place of birth. It will be as present in the UK as it is in Chile, as it is in Sakhalin, as it is in Taiwan. That is why today the traditional territory of the spread of Islam, which is connected with the inheritance of the territory of the former Byzantium, Iran and other lands that are part of the Eurasian conglomerate, suffer the heaviest losses, endure the heaviest blows, because this is preparation, this is loosening of the soil, this is preparation for the emancipation of Islam from the civilizational ghetto.

I think World War III will provide the basis, the groundwork for a colossal new migration of peoples. There will be huge masses of people moving around. I think Latin America will be the source of very large masses of new migrants who are likely to move into Northern Eurasia. It will be a new passionary bloc that will change the political balance of power in many ways. Many of these migrants from Latin America, people typologically similar to Carlos and Che Guevara, will embrace Islam. These will be new Muslims with a mentality that is free from, let’s say, the traditional burden associated with these “developments” that have complicated the history of Islam over the past 13 centuries. A lot of things are going to change. But most importantly, there will be polarization between the committee to meet the Antichrist and the committee to organize the coming of Mahdi. That is, it will be a confrontation between two world governments, between which the final battle will occur, eschatologically ending history. But we will talk about the details of the theological content, of the theological meaning of this confrontation another time. Maybe even when it’s already the first days of this war.

Geydar Dzhemal. 2014



Jamal Legacy

This page is dedicated to the legacy of Russian Islamic thinker GeydarDzehmal (Heydar Jamal).