Jamal Legacy
5 min readFeb 15, 2022


In the classical Hindu doctrine there is a description of the four states of the subject. The state of waking, dreaming, dreamless sleep and turya (a state of deep silence, disconnection). The state of turya is similar to death, but the body does not decompose, it is laid aside and functions.

All four states are correlated with the relation of the witnessing Consciousness with the language. The state of reality (wakefulness) means that our witnessing Consciousness (the point of non-coincidence with nothing) is in direct communication with the circle (field), which is described by the language of our matrix, our civilization. Civilizational language is a compromise and a mixture of language, as Revelation and dictate of Being, as an extralinguistic reality that subjugates a person through society. The civilizational language is a compromise between the language of Adam(peace be upon him) and, relatively speaking, the dictate of clay, or the dictate of the Great Being. In the civilizational language, the language of Adam (as) is distorted, i.e., the entire conceptual system is distorted and adapted to the goals and objectives of the matrix, which is focused on suppressing the witnessing Consciousness.

Our Consciousness communicates with the circle (field). We come into contact with the conceptual images that are embedded in this matrix, and due to this a reality lives around us, which we call external (organized).

This reality is divided into two types. The inner circle (field), sensory impressions are reality, but reality, which is the next level from the level of our outer shell of the skin, body. Communication with the sensory, which is in contact with our level, is perceived because we immediately set communication with a distant level, i.e. with images, concepts, systems that form a society. Communication with a large matrix is embedded in us, and through this we orient ourselves in the near, i.e. our sensory impressions.

A person falls asleep, turns off, and he “sleeps with dreams”. This means that his witnessing Consciousness works with the circuit of language, which refers only to his body. A certain conceptual and figurative shadow that falls inside him. The body, as a kind of external contour, is also outwardly opposed to the Consciousness. The external, as “the body,” and the external, as “that which surrounds the body,” are two different things. Distant categories, concepts from reality have their own inversions, shadows that are reflected inside the contour of the body.

Figuratively, we can say that the conceptual system sits in the head, and the witnessing Consciousness sits in the heart. In order to communicate with the outside world, the beam from the heart rises, passes through the head and touches the far zone (society, economics, religion, philosophical concepts), then, reflected from there, returns and clearly characterizes what we see as sensual way. It is not the sensual that goes as a base to the abstract, as with the sensualists, but vice versa. A person establishes a connection with the abstract, and then this abstract helps a person to establish it as real, objective and external.

The beam goes further: it goes to us, and when we are in a dream, this beam communicates between the heart and the head. It becomes very short. That arc (circle) that the short beam describes, the heart-head, is the zone of sleep, where we deal only with the bodily projection of the tongue, but then the beam is reduced further. It no longer reaches the head, and it describes a small circle around the heart, when there is no longer any conceptual system with which the witnessing Consciousness would come into contact. This is a situation in which, relatively speaking, a veil is thrown over the mirror, it continues to reflect the reverse side of the veil. This is what can be called “dreamless sleep”. And he is the main dream.

The fourth state — “turya” — is very rare (coma, lethargy, practices of yogic states): this is when the witnessing Consciousness actually turns away from everything that it opposes, being a point of non-identity, and returns to its own essence, from where it was projected. That is, the Impossible. This is absolute darkness. But unlike death, with the preservation of the body as a tool.

The body is a necessary condition for throwing a sunbeam on the wall, which is a factor of presence. The body is a pocket mirror, in this case the pocket mirror is hidden in the pocket. It can be pulled out, but it is not a fact that we can count after the pulled out mirror, when we pull it out of our pocket for the second time, that the sunbeam that jumped up the wall again is the same sunbeam. It is, as it were, the same, but in some subtle aspect, it is not the same, because the identity of the sunbeam, its continuity, is important here. This is one of the occult themes. People who have been in clinical death and returned, they are already special beings, they are not the same, they are in a sense clients of the dark forces.

How is coma different from death? Clinical death is a deeper state, it allows 3–5 minutes without brain damage, and a person can lie in a coma for a year or longer until he is turned off. This state is equivalent in the testifying sense to death, but the only difference is that the body does not decompose, but when death actually occurs, then this is a complete extinction for the language. After death, the language disappears.

There remain such conditions as, for example: pain in the abdomen, shortness of breath, or anguish in the heart that you cannot decipher. It’s like a musical state, longing, like a musical state. But they are, as it were, existential. they are not conceptual, not figurative, not conceptual, they do not take shape like a leaf, a tree, a beetle. These are existentially raw things, bearing the character of what the clay experiences.

Let’s say you heat the clay, the clay swells, boils. When the body begins to decompose after death, it goes through various stages of states that are available to a person during life, only this is a negative, this is an inversion of these states. These are the states of a non-living body, they scroll in the opposite direction. These states have a witness — the Great Being, Satan, because the dead body is the icon of Satan. People worship Satan, whose icon is a dead person here on earth. Why does the body of the dead make an indelible, strong impression on the living? Because it is the body from which the Holy Spirit (RuhAllah) has been withdrawn.

That spark of Adam (as), which was folded by the Creator, is directly connected with the language. Language and the Holy Spirit are closely correlated, because the Holy Spirit, as the base of the testifying Consciousness, is reflected in the language, as in the Revelation that God revealed to Adam (as) and “taught the names of the things” as the Holy Quran says.

If this is removed from the body, then only the photo-impression remains, which the Great Being leaves here, in the mirror of this world, in clay. This is his projection, the microcosm. What is emphasized by the exclusion, the exclusion of what makes a person exactly a man, as a divine creation. Man is an analogue of the Great Being, and according to his model he is made (“image and likeness”), but only the withdrawal of a spark of the witnessing Consciousness establishes a direct connection with Satan.

February 17, 2017

Translated from Russian language



Jamal Legacy
Jamal Legacy

Written by Jamal Legacy

This page is dedicated to the legacy of Russian Islamic thinker GeydarDzehmal (Heydar Jamal).

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