Abstracts for the conference in St. Petersburg, 2013. Geydar Dzhemal.

Jamal Legacy
2 min readSep 26, 2024


Today, global society has entered the initial stage of a systemic crisis, which is comparable in scale to the historical turning point that began a hundred years before the new era and ended with the emergence of the Islamic Caliphate. This historical period was the time of transition from the slave-owning system to feudalism. It was characterized by the zeroing of the fundamental pagan civilization matrices and the globalization of monotheistic discourse. All the old metaphysical traditions were collected in a renewed syncretic form under the brand of Christianity. At the same time, the pure monotheism of Islam came to the fore, which immediately became a platform for a single combat between two opposing trends: an attempt to recreate a new alternative system to replace the collapsed archaic world of theocratic empires (this trend was expressed in the creation of a Caliphate) and an anti-systemic trend directed against any established earthly power, based on a finalist understanding of history.
— Today, a transition period begins, in which at another level there is a threat of a large — scale return of humanity to the pre-feudal era — to slavery, and the restoration of technologies of non-economic coercion will be combined with the most sophisticated and advanced forms of the so-called “intellectual economy”. This is possible due to the fact that the current global society has absorbed and socialized all aspects of human manifestations, which can be called the “external anthropological contour”. In other words, such fundamental aspects of human presence in the world as a person’s attitude to God and man’s attitude to nature (cosmos).
— As a result of the socialization of the “external anthropological contour” (appropriation of all forms of human attitude to the extrahuman factor), global society has approached maximum polarization within itself, dividing into completely disenfranchised “lower classes” and practically unlimited in their privileges “upper classes”. This division goes through all countries and peoples, ignoring the myth of the “golden billion”. Today, the plebs of megacities in the Western world weigh much less politically than the plebs of Ancient Rome.

Abstracts for the conference in St. Petersburg, 2013



Jamal Legacy

This page is dedicated to the legacy of Russian Islamic thinker GeydarDzehmal (Heydar Jamal).